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[COMING SOON] New Season: Jungle Strike!


[COMING SOON] New Season: Jungle Strike!

The second long-term event will start very soon in War Thunder Mobile: new tasks and premium vehicles in trophy containers!

The Jungle Strike season will start right after the end of the previous season and will last for 4 weeks. Complete interesting battle tasks, get War Bonds as a reward and open trophy containers with valuable prizes, including premium vehicles.

Just like in the first season, you’ll have 5 blocks of 6 tasks, which will be unlocked step by step during the event. On the 13th day all tasks will become available and until the end of the season you can complete them, get War Bonds and fill the progress bar with guaranteed rewards.

All of the season’s tasks are new!

IMPORTANT:Trophies can be unlocked by players who have reached level 3 of the ship or tank campaign.

The Small Trophy (opens both for War Bonds and for watching ads) contains in-game currency and battle consumables.

The Medium Trophy (opens for War Bonds)contains super prizes — a premium KV-122 Platoon (Rank IV) and a premium destroyer Svetlyy (Rank I). You’ll also be able to get keys to open the Big Trophy from the Medium Trophy.

If you have unlocked 40 Medium Trophies, you are guaranteed one of the yet-to-be-received super prizes, or gold if the prizes have already been received.

The Big Trophy contains the most coveted super prizes — a premium battlecruiser Von Der Tann (Rank III) and a premium platoon T29 (Rank VI) — and will be available 7 days after the event starts.

After unlocking the 7 Big Trophies, you are guaranteed to get one of the super prizes not yet obtained, or gold if the prizes have already been received.

The Leaderboards will be activated at the same time as the Big Trophy is unlocked — 7 days after the start of the season. You will learn more about it from the announcement on the eve of their launch.

Event Details:

  • All tasks can be completed until the end of the event, but every few days (4th, 7th, 10th, 13th day) new tasks become available;
  • A full list of possible trophy contents can be seen by clicking on the box;
  • Each unique super prize can only drop 1 time;
  • You are guaranteed to receive one of the Super Prizes that you have not yet received after opening a certain amount (displayed in the box opening window) of Medium or Big Trophies;
  • Unspent War Bonds and Keys do not expire after the end of the event and can be used in next similar events;
  • After the end of the event, you will not be able to get rewards for tasks that were not collected in time;
  • The progress of unlocking trophies will be reset after the end of the event;
  • Only players who have reached level 3 of the tank or ship campaign can unlock trophies;
  • Players who have reached level 3 of the tank or ship campaign will receive 300 War Bonds as a gift in honor of the new season beginning;
  • The Leaderboards and the Big Trophy will open 7 days after the start of the season;
  • There will be three Leaderboards as in the first season: Ship, Tank and General;
  • Players from the top 10 Ship Leaderboard will receive a premium battlecruiser Von Der Tann (or 1 key);
  • Players from the top 10 Tank Leaderboard will receive a premium T29 platoon (or 1 key);
  • Players from the top 10 General Leaderboard will receive a new avatar, a decorator and a title.

We wish you good luck in the upcoming events!