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The Medium and Big Trophies contain the most advanced modification of the legendary Messerschmidt.
By 1944, Germany was faced with the urgent need to unify the numerous variants of the Willy Messerschmitt fighters and improve their flying and combat performance at the lowest possible cost. The solution was the K modification – a further development of the G series and the last mass-produced modification of the Bf 109 fighter line.
The K (“Kurfürst”) modification was equipped with a boosted DB-605D engine. Improvements were made to the design to increase the aerodynamic efficiency of the airplane and factory-installed armament kits were developed. Series production began in the late autumn of 1944. The new fighters were delivered primarily for the Western Front operations. According to various estimates, more than a thousand Bf 109 K units were produced before the German surrender.
The “Kurfürst” will become one of the few planes in the game with customizable armament. Thus, in addition to a pair of 13mm machine guns, the pilot will be able to choose an hub-mounted cannon – a fast-firing 20mm MG 151 or a 30mm MK 108 with excellent HE shells, which often set the enemy plane on fire on a hit. But that's not all! By weighting the airplane down a bit, you can equip it with 20mm cannons under the wings. In this variant the Bf 109 K-4 will be able to shoot down even the biggest bombers with one short burst. The fighter is also modified to destroy bases or groups of ground units – one 500 kg bomb can be mounted under the fuselage.
In terms of top speed, the Bf 109 K-4 is similar to the G series – not a record-breaker, but its speed is excellent. However, the aircraft's power-to-weight ratio has increased, its climb rate has risen, and it has become even more manageable in turns. In a horizontal turn “Kurfurst” is able to twist some opponents. However, it will be more effective to keep the enemy in vertical combat, because the Bf 109 K-4 retains energy amazingly well even during maneuvers.
The most winning tactic of using the Messerschmitt is still the “boom-and-zoom“. The Bf 109 series has few equals in this area, and the K-4 is ideal for this tactic. Turn fighting high ranking fighters can pose a significant threat to the Bf 109 K-4, so don't give in to the excitement of a long chase. Because of the engine, the Bf 109 K-4 is most effective at medium and high altitudes. At ground level, however, it loses speed and controllability to numerous rivals.
The Premium variant of the ♠Bf 109 K-4♠︎ is an extra plane for your roster! The premium warplane maintains the same performance as the standard variant, though it comes in a unique camouflage. With this premium warplane you’ll be able to enjoy faster Silver Lion and Research Point gains, and earn some Golden Eagles in your battles.
If you’re lucky enough to unlock both the premium and the standard variants, you will be able to use them both in the same battle!
To unlock the standard warplane, you need to collect 1,000 blueprints.
*Vehicle specifications and camouflages are still work in progress and may differ on release.
The Bf 109 K-4 (Rank VIII) will appear in War Thunder Mobile (WTM) in the seasonal update in the Medium and Big Trophies of the Aviation Campaign.