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[Coming Soon] M1 Abrams: the future is here!



[Coming Soon] M1 Abrams: the future is here!

American common platoon – an exemplary MBT, dynamic wheeled light tank, IFV with ATGMs and SPAAG!

M1 Abrams Platoon (Rank X)

Historical note

After the failure of the joint German-American MBT-70 project, Congress allocated funds to develop its own XM815. Teams of engineers from Chrysler and General Motors worked on the project concurrently. By 1976, the prototypes marked XM1 were fully ready for testing – the tanks received a new M68 gun and advanced combined armor. The Chrysler prototype with turboshaft engine demonstrated the best performance, and in 1979 it was put into the mass production under the designation M1 Abrams.

More than 45 years later, tanks of the Abrams family are in service with the U.S. Army and foreign countries. During their service life, the vehicles have undergone several deep modernization programs and are among the best MBTs in the world.

M1 Abrams

The first mass-produced version of the famous Abrams family of tanks will offer its future commanders an excellent balance across all combat qualities. Let's start with the gun. The new MBT is equipped with a modified licensed copy of the famous British L7 105 mm cannon. This is an accurate and fast firing cannon with very effective APFSDS. The Abrams M1 will confidently penetrate any enemy on the battlefield!

The M1 series of tanks is famous for its excellent turret protection. In its frontal aspect there is a complex package of armor elements, which can cope very well with hits from kinetic projectiles. HEATs and ATGMs in most cases will not be able to penetrate the protection of the tank in this area. The Abrams does have vulnerabilities in the forward projection – tin the area of the gun mantlet, the turret ring, and the lower hull plate. However, in a dynamic, aggressive game, it is not easy for the enemy to get into these zones. Traditionally for all main battle tanks the protection of the sides and rear part is noticeably lower. But even in case of a hit to the side, the Abrams still has a chance to survive such hits due to its relatively spacious layout.

A serious turboshaft engine with an output of more than 1500 hp is responsible for mobility. It provides the tank with a brilliant power density and a speed of more than 70 km/h. The Abrams accelerates instantly, moves quickly between cover, has a good reverse speed and can easily overcome off-road terrain.

The Abrams M1 is really built for bold, active combat. If you make good use of terrain dips, available cover and can shoot accurately, Abrams has all the chances of surviving till the end of the battle and break into the leaders on the leaderboard. Skill matters!

So what are the vehicles that will end up in the platoon of the famous American MBT?


The M1128 Stryker is an American combat support vehicle with a 105mm cannon and an automatic loader. The wheeled chassis gives the vehicle an excellent top speed, and it is very good at capturing points and flank bypasses.

M3A3 Bradley

One of the most advanced versions of the famous American tracked combat vehicle with reinforced armor, 25 mm automatic cannon and TOW-2 ATGM launcher.


The M247 SPAAG is already quite familiar to experienced commanders of American vehicles. A pair of fast-firing 40mm cannons on a tough Patton tank chassis is equally effective against aircraft, light ground vehicles and some tanks!

*Commanders, the platoon units, characteristics and camouflages of vehicles are preliminary and may differ from those given in the article.

The M1 Abrams (Rank X) will become accessible once you reach level 20* in the tank campaign. You have the option to instantly upgrade your campaign level using Golden Eagles to gain faster access to this platoon compared to other players, or you can progress through battles to level up.