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Open Beta Testing of Aircraft has started!



Open Beta Testing of Aircraft has started!

The long-awaited aircraft OBT campaign has started in War Thunder Mobile.

Pilots! Today, on September 23rd 2024, the long-awaited open beta testing of the separate Aircraft Campaign has started in War Thunder Mobile. Join and enjoy spectacular realistic air battles!

We would like to remind you that the OBT status means that the campaign is in testing mode. The final interface, vehicles and appearance of locations may differ from those presented in the OBT. Bugs revealed during the testing process will be gradually fixed according to their priority for the gameplay. There are no plans to wipe accounts after the OBT.

At the start of the OBT you have access to:

  • The new Aviation campaign;
  • An aircraft hangar;
  • More than 110 aircraft;
  • Vehicles for three nations: USA, Germany, USSR;
  • 4 slots for squadron formation;
  • Research tech tree mechanics;
  • Crew upgrading in slots;
  • Aircraft modification mechanics (choice of armament);
  • Aircraft battle rewards and much more.

All players who pre-ordered vehicles have already received them in their hangars and can install them in slots and use them in battles. Pre-order aircraft have been moved to the maximum rank in-game at rank VII as part of the game balance adjustment.

New campaign

You can enter testing through the standard Campaign selection interface. Please carefully go through the tutorial to be able to play in the separate campaign mode.

Hangar and improvements

In the aircraft hangar, as in other campaigns, you can see vehicles, go to view characteristics and select camouflage, invite a friend to your squad, open the vehicle tree and see store and events. You can go into a battle by pressing the “To battle!” button.

The main difference between the aircraft hangar and other campaigns is the slots. There are three icons above each slot:

  • Vehicle change – allows you to install any available aircraft in the slot;
  • Arsenal – allows you to change the available armament on the aircraft installed in the slot;
  • Crew – opens the window for upgrading the crew responsible for this slot.

Important information:

  • 4 crews can be taken into battle;
  • A new aircraft can be put into an already partially upgraded slot;
  • A squadron can be built from any available aircraft regardless of its class, nation and rank – but keep in mind that the match selection is based on the highest rank of the aircraft in your squadron;
  • Crew characteristics apply to any aircraft installed in a slot;
  • Slots can be upgraded both evenly and for a specific class of aircraft that you are going to install in the slot;
  • Selected modifications are applied to a specific aircraft.

Research Tech Tree

The research tech tree has replaced the campaign levels. This allows players to decide not only the sequence of upgrading each nation but also which aircraft branches within that nation to prioritize.

In the research tech tree of your chosen nation, you'll select a branch and begin researching the first aircraft. You earn research points from battles, which are needed to unlock planes. Once you accumulate the required points, you can construct the researched unit using Silver Lions. You can then place the new plane in a slot and choose the next unit to research.

You may choose to upgrade branches evenly or focus on a specific one. You can also switch nations at any time without losing access to previously researched aircraft.


Please note that you can customize the control of aircraft to your personal preferences. You can move the on-screen buttons to the places you like and also select in the menu the type of control you like, the appearance of crosshairs and the sensitivity of the different settings under "Settings" => "Controls" => "Air".

In “Cursor” mode, you can enable gyroscope aiming mode and control the aircraft as much as possible by tilting the phone.

We will explain more about the control modes in a separate article.

Dear pilots! Your feedback will help to make the game better. If you have found a bug, please describe it in detail (conditions of repetition, how exactly it appears, on what graphics settings you play, your device model) on our special site. Ideas and suggestions for the game can be left on our Discord server in a special channel.

We wish you successful and spectacular battles on your mobile devices in War Thunder Mobile!