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[Coming Soon] T-72B Platoon (1989): Contact is set!



[Coming Soon] T-72B Platoon (1989): Contact is set!

A new Soviet rank X armored vehicle platoon led by a 1989 model T-72B OBT with Kontakt-5 armor.

T-72B (1989) Platoon (Rank X)

Historical note

The T-72A main battle tank, which was adopted into service in 1979, was characterized by high mobility and reliable protection. However, in firepower it was still inferior to the T-64B due to a less advanced sighting system and lack of guided armament. In the early 1980s, the “Svir” system with the 9M119 missile was developed for the T-72 family of tanks. In addition, the new T-72 modification was to be mounted with the Kontakt dynamic protection system. The increase in weight led to the development of a new 840-horsepower engine to ensure that the tank retained its high dynamic performance.

In December 1984, the new modification was officially adopted for service under the T-72B index. In 1989, a modification with Kontakt-5 ERAs and integrated dynamic protection on the upper frontal part of the hull was introduced.

T-72B (1989)

Meet the 1989 model T-72B, the first tank in the Model 72 lineup with Kontakt-5 ERAs! This is a fully modern MBT with excellent armament, which is characterized by enhanced protection against HEAT ammunition, including ATGMs.

The T-72B differs significantly from the T-72A tank known to commanders. First, the armor is noticeably different - the hull and turret are now equipped with Kontakt-5 ERAs, which provide a high level of protection against missiles and HEAT. The composition of the combined turret protection package has been improved: the T-72B can easily resist most shells with the turret cheekbones in the forward projection. Only in the area of the gun mask is there a relatively weakened zone. The armor package of the upper frontal plate (UFP) of the hull has been improved as well - the Kontakt blocks have been integrated there as well. The sides and stern of the tank remain vulnerable to AP shells, so it is still not worth to expose the side to the enemy. In the front projection, the tank can get penetrations in the turret chase and in the lower frontal plate (LFP), so it is also desirable to cover the hull.

The T-72B has received guided armament - the tank can launch laser-guided 9M119 ATGMs directly from the gun barrel. This missile has a high chance of defeating any enemy on the battlefield and is capable, under certain circumstances and the skill of the commander, to reach armored vehicles behind cover. However, in the battles where the T-72B (1989) will be involved, most tanks already have good anti-HEAT protection: don't rely on missiles alone. As for the new APFSDS, it is impressive! The 3BM42 shell will be one of the best in the game at the time of platoon release and is definitely recommended as the main round in the T-72B's ammunition.

The mobility of the T-72B is slightly inferior to Western tanks, while inheriting the unfortunate disadvantage of paltry reverse speed. For close combat, the T-72B is not very suitable, so it is most effective to use it as a sniper at long ranges or in defense, where it is possible to hide the hull behind cover. In these cases, the excellent armament and automatic loader will make the T-72B (1989) a real headache for the entire enemy team!

The teammates in the platoon of this powerful and versatile tank will be equally interesting machines.


This modification was a further development of the T-64 series. The tank received new composite turret armor with advanced fillers, ERA “Kontakt-1” on the hull and turret, guided missiles and excellent AP shells. A versatile fighter in the higher ranks!

BMP-2M "Berezhok"

The BMP-2M "Berezhok" is one of the most advanced light armored vehicles in the game. Excellent dynamics is supplemented by excellent armament from launchers of tandem “Kornet” ATGMs and a 30-mm autocannon with effective APFSDS belts!


The “Yenisei” SPAAG with high-speed 37-mm cannons comes into the battle when it is necessary to cover the team from aviation or to blow light armored vehicles to atoms. ZSU-37-2 does both of these things perfectly!

*Commanders, the platoon units, characteristics and camouflages of vehicles are preliminary and may differ from those given in the article.

The T-72B (1989) (Rank X) will become accessible once you reach level 19* in the tank campaign. You have the option to instantly upgrade your campaign level using Golden Eagles to gain faster access to this platoon compared to other players, or you can progress through battles to level up.

Please remember that as soon as Campaign Level 20 becomes available, Level 19 and 19* platoons will merge into a single Level 19. Vehicles purchased for Golden Eagles will remain as a premium even after the levels are merged. The final coefficients on the three vehicles will be the same as the level 19 vehicles.