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[Coming Soon] The missile destroyer JDS Hatsuyuki



[Coming Soon] The missile destroyer JDS Hatsuyuki

The ruthless and accurate Japanese missile destroyer – in the upcoming seasonal update of War Thunder Mobile.

Historical note

The Hatsuyuki destroyers, like the well-known Takatsuki destroyers, became a further development of the Yamagumo destroyers. Ships of this class had to combine the features of anti-submarine defense with the functionality of air defense ships and missile frigates. Initially it was planned to build 15 ships of the new type for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. However, after the allocation of funds for the construction of 12 destroyers, the Hatsuyuki program was terminated. The lead ship of the series joined the fleet in 1982.

The JDS Hatsuyuki was the first Japanese carrier of the Sea Sparrow RIM-7 system. The Harpoon missiles were also used to engage potential enemy ships. The JDS Hatsuyuki was decommissioned in 2010 and dismantled in 2011.

JDS Hatsuyuki (Rank VI)

The JDS Hatsuyuki will be a new Japanese missile ship that will appear in the January seasonal update of War Thunder Mobile. The JDS Hatsuyuki will combine a powerful missile armament and acceptable running characteristics.

The main caliber of the JDS Hatsuyuki will be Harpoon RGM-84 missile launchers combined with Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missiles, which are also effective against surface targets. Each salvo delivers consistently high damage to any target.

The JDS Hatsuyuki can fire from astationary position or on the move – the main thing is not to take enemy fire, because the destroyer has no armor, and the ship will quickly perish under concentrated fire from the enemy team. However, it should be noted that the survivability of the new ship is slightly higher than in the JDS Takatsuki missile destroyer , that was added to the game in the spring of 2024.

The JDS Hatsuyuki is on par with other missile ships with its mobility and running characteristics. It has sufficient circulation radius and speed to operate in the shelter of cliffs and islands. This is the way in which missile ships can bring the maximum benefit to a team: to fire salvo after salvo and quickly hide from the enemy's counter-attacks.

In addition to the missile launchers, the JDS Hatsuyuki is armed with a 76 mm OTO Melara autocannon, known to experienced fleet commanders from other high-ranking ships. Two three-tube torpedo tubes hold a supply of torpedoes for close combat.

*Commanders, the characteristics and camouflage of vehicles are preliminary and may differ from those given in the article.

The JDS Hatsuyuki (Rank VI) is available after you reach level 30 in the ship campaign. You can upgrade the campaign level for Golden Eagles instantly to gain access to this ship faster than other players, or you can level up in battle.

Please remember that as soon as Campaign Level 31 becomes available, Level 30, 30* and 30** platoons will merge into a single Level 30. Vehicles purchased for Golden Eagles will remain as a premium even after the levels are merged. The final coefficients on the three vehicles will be the same as level 30 vehicles.