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Big Trophies of Update 1.10



Big Trophies of Update 1.10

Big Trophy rewards: vehicles, camouflages, and ways to get them.

Commanders, as of September 12th, 2024, Big Trophies of the "Steel Punch" Season will become available for opening.

Big Trophy

This season, the main reward from the tank campaign trophy is a premium Israel Merkava Mk.1 Platoon (Rank VIII). For the ship campaign, it is a premium British battleship, HMS Marlborough (Rank IV).

Changes in Big Trophies rules

Starting with the current season, the following rules will apply to the Big Trophies:

  • The number of keys in the sets has been doubled.
  • The number of openings for guaranteed jackpot from the Big Trophy has been doubled.
  • The number of keys that can be obtained in rewards has been increased by 2 times:
    • 2 keys instead of 1 – for the 4th step of progress of the Season's task scale;
    • 2 keys instead of 1 – in ship and tank rating awards for the top-10% players at the end of the Season;
    • 2 keys instead of 1 – in the Battle Pass scale;
  • The number of keys that can be dropped from the Medium Trophies has been doubled.
  • You can now get 2 instead of 3 keys per opening from the Big Trophy due to doubling the number of attempts.
  • The size of rewards in Silver Lions, Golden Eagles and Keys for one Big Trophy opening has been changed.

As a result of this change, the Big Trophy has 25% less gold and silver for one opening, but there are twice as many potential openings. Previously you could get 3 keys from the Big Trophy for one attempt, but now 2, however there are twice as many attempts. Additionally, previously players had 3 free attempts to get valuable rewards, and all of them could be spent on avatars, decorations and titles. After the changes, you can get 3 decorations, an increased chance of getting vehicles, and there will still be 3 more attempts to get vehicles, keys, and other rewards. This makes the Big Trophies much more profitable for players.

Ways to get keys to the Big Trophies:

  • As a reward in the Season Task progress bar;
  • As a Battle Pass reward;
  • For placing in the top 10% of the ship or tank leaderboards of the Season;
  • From Medium and Big Trophies (2 to 4 keys per successful opening);
  • Through Seasonal Offers and the Store.

To receive the Big Trophy Jackpot from one campaign, you need 14 Season Keys. If you have already obtained the main reward from 1-13 trophies, you will receive 2500 Golden Eagles as a jackpot.

Merkava Mk.1 (Rank VIII)

The lead tank of the new trophy platoon, the Merkava Mk.1, is an interesting and playable vehicle, if you know its strengths and weaknesses. This tank is very survivable against inexperienced players, who habitually shoot at the standard vulnerable areas.

Here are a few “secrets” that will help to protect your Merkava, or help you to destroy an enemy Merkava:

  • The driver is located at the front left side, away from the rest of the crew – you can’t take out the entire crew with one shot.
  • The armor plate behind the engine compartment side protects the crew from shrapnel.
  • The ammo is evenly located at the rear of the hull – it is protected on the sides by screens, thick hull plates and container walls, but a successful shot to the rear of the hull or from the rear can cause the ammo to explode.
  • The tank armor is not monolithic, as there is a vulnerable area at the front near the radiator grill, through which the engine and drives can be damaged.
  • Another vulnerable spot is the gunner’s optics on the right side of the gun. Any APHE shell can knock out a significant part of the crew, and most APFSDS or HEAT shells knock out at least one crew member.

Learn the features of this tank to choose the best tactics against any enemy!


Camouflages for the premium vehicles of the Season can be received from the opening of the Big Trophies or purchased for Golden Eagles in the camouflage changing menu after getting a platoon or a ship.

Historical camouflages invariably attract commanders with the ability to blend into the terrain and realize their advantage with a surprise ambush shot. Unique bright camouflages give you the opportunity to disorient the enemy and show your personality or make a beautiful video of the battle.

Platoon Merkava Mk.1 (Rank VIII)

Battleship HMS Marlborough (Rank IV)

Select one of the original camouflages or retain the factory coloring of your new vehicles!

We wish you many victories in War Thunder Mobile!