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[Coming Soon] New location “El Alamein”



[Coming Soon] New location “El Alamein”

A vast desert tank map is coming to the game in the next major update!

Historical Note

Seeking to disrupt Allied supply lines and seize control of the Middle East, Axis forces launched an offensive in North Africa. In May 1942, during the height of the campaign, Italian-German troops under Field Marshal Erwin Rommel attacked British forces at El Ghazala, inflicting heavy losses and forcing a retreat. On July 1, Rommel attacked British forces entrenched in El Alamein, but was unable to breach their defenses or bypass the place to reach Alexandria.

Recognizing the threat, the British government implemented strategic personnel changes and deployed significant reinforcements to North Africa. In autumn 1942, British forces launched a decisive offensive, defeating the Axis North African forces and destroying nearly all their vehicles. This operation is known as the Second Battle of El Alamein.

El Alamein

The new tank map in War Thunder Mobile is based on the real-world El Alamein Fortress and its surrounding terrain. This well-fortified, elevated fortress can prove an insurmountable obstacle for poorly coordinated teams.

El Alamein is significantly larger than previous maps, providing ample opportunity for both fast scout vehicles and tanks that struggle at close range.

The complex maze of thick stone walls and winding streets provides the perfect setup for ambushes. Open squares, lined with colorful merchant tents and wooden houses, are perfect for long-range engagements.

Slight elevation changes provide tactical advantages for fast-paced point defense. Success relies on spotting swift enemy scouts, countering enemy airpower with SPAAGs, and seeking cover from relentless artillery barrages under bridges and sheds.

Commanders, thoroughly explore the new map and strategize for only victorious tank battles in War Thunder Mobile (WTM)!