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Major update Symphony of Fire!

Major update Symphony of Fire!

Meet the first major update of War Thunder Mobile — Symphony of Fire!

Introducing the new picturesque map — Japan. It boasts unique architecture and is our first map with varying heights. Some parts of the map are perfect for long-range duels.

Welcome the legendary MRL T34 Calliope and the first tanks of Rank VI, seven new aircraft and two ships, titles and nickname decorations, a customizable battle UI, many new options and control improvements, including free camera!

You can find the full list of changes below.

New vehicles

Ground Vehicles

• Calliope (Rank II premium MT) 

• Ram II (Rank II premium MT) 

• T1E1 (Rank II premium HT) 

• M19A1 (Rank II premium SPAAG) 

• Т-54 (1949) (Rank VI MT)  

• Т-10А (Rank VI HT) 

• Object 906 (Rank VI LT) 

• ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” (Rank VI SPAAG)


• Poltava (level 14 premium battleship)

• USS Alaska (level 19 premium battleship)

Aircraft in ground battles

• Do 335 A-1 (Rank V attack aircraft)

• MiG-15bis (Rank VI fighter)

• Me 262 C-2b (Rank VI fighter)

• Meteor F Mk.8 G.41K (Rank VI fighter)

• Il-28Sh (Rank VI attack aircraft)

• Canberra B(I).Mk.6 (Rank VI attack aircraft)

• S.O.4050 Vautour IIA (Rank VI attack aircraft)


• New map “Japan”.

• New missions on the “Japan” map: Domination, Capture and Battle.

New features

• Battle UI editor.

• Player titles.

• Player nickname decorations.

• An option to see the password when logging into the game. 


After studying player feedback several new features and control settings have been added.

Control settings are now divided into General Controls and Ground Controls.

New control features

• Free camera has been added to the game that will allow you to look around in battle by pressing a specific button.

• Now you can check the current condition of your vehicle’s modules by clicking on the damage model panel.

• A zoom slider has been added to aircraft sights.

• Ground vehicles that aren’t SPAA will no longer capture aircraft as a target. This could override your target selection when an aircraft flies at a low altitude.

Control settings

• An option to toggle target capture mode on and off by pressing a specific button has been added. The button will appear if Auto target tracking is set to off in the Tank controls.

• The “Stop” button now causes the machine to fully stop when using the “arrows” control type in tank battles. An option to switch to the old functionality of this button has been added.

• An option to turn camera rotation acceleration in tank battles on and off has been added.

• An option to disable automatic zoom when choosing a target in the sights has been added.

• Сontrol sensitivity in aircraft sights has been decreased to make aiming more comfortable.

• The sights icon has been changed.

Other changes

• Grass draw distance at medium graphic settings has been increased. 

• A mid-screen message notifying the downloading of high quality textures has been added.

• Double damage when using secondary guns in naval battles has been fixed.

• Readability of the profile and settings menu has been improved.

• Base client size has been reduced by moving certain high quality textures into a separate pack that is downloaded in the background.

• T95, M19 — stuttering when turning in place has been fixed.