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[Coming soon] M60A1 platoon: the Cold War classics



[Coming soon] M60A1 platoon: the Cold War classics

The new Rank VII platoon in the US tech tree! Meet two tenacious tanks, a nimble IFV and a hard-hitting SPAA coming to the game in the upcoming update!


One of the first main battle tanks in history, the M60A1 features good frontal turret protection and wields a precise, stabilized 105mm M68 gun. While being a good sniper, the M60A1 is perfect for holding ground while hiding the hull behind cover. The high-caliber machine gun in the commander’s cupola comes in handy against enemy aircraft.


Nicknamed “Starship” for its futuristic look, the M60A2 like all tanks in the series, also has good gun mantlet protection. A feature of the tank is the provision of the Shillelagh anti-tank guided missiles fired directly from the gun.

M3 Bradley

An iconic IFV of the US army! The M3 Bradley is lightly protected with a good power-to-weight ratio, it is fast and nimble. Its 25mm rapid firing cannon is deadly for soft targets, and TOW guided missiles do tons of damage to enemy tanks and SPGs.


The twin-barreled M247 SPAA armed with automatic 40mm cannons, capable of destroying an enemy aircraft on the first hit. Cannons are also good against enemy vehicles protected with light armor!