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[Coming Soon] Allied Naval Vehicles



[Coming Soon] Allied Naval Vehicles

Commanders! Coming in the next major update: meet the powerful British HMS Vampire and HMS Vanguard, the Soviet cruiser "Kronstadt" and the heavy American cruiser USS Des Moines!

HMS Vampire

HMS Vampire (P72) was a submarine that was commissioned by the Royal Navy in 1943 and took part in the final stages of World War II. In the game, HMS Vampire will be a British entry-level submarine. It’s armed with four torpedo tubes in the bow and a 76mm anti-aircraft gun.

HMS Vanguard

HMS Vanguard was the most advanced British battleship and was the last battleship in Royal Navy service, as well as ever launched. This battleship boasts excellent performance, with a powerful armament of 8 x 381 mm main guns and numerous air defense artillery.


The construction of the Soviet battlecruiser Kronstadt began in 1939, and was designed as a cruiser hunter. In the game, this battlecruiser will be a Premium Soviet ship at Rank IV. Its main firepower is 9 x 305 mm guns, complemented by auxiliary 152 mm guns.

USS Des Moines

The American heavy cruiser Des Moines was built after the end of World War II with experience of combat use of ships of this class. USS Des Moines features fast-firing 203mm main guns and a perfect armor layout. In the game, this heavy cruiser will be a Premium US ship at Rank III.